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What is Spoken Word?

Marina Keegan, author of The Opposite of Loneliness, was an active member of the Spoken Word group at Yale University. Though I've never personally experienced it, I understand that spoken word (also known as Slam Poetry) is an extremely moving and emotional process that requires a good amount of skill and memorization. I really doubt it's something that I could ever do, but it is something that fascinates me to watch.

Spoken word is a means of expression that allows the performer to connect with the audience on an entirely new level. Through the use of words and voice, the performer can create their own atmosphere and articulate thoughts on personal issues, and more often, social issues. It moves people to react and think about an issue, or even just simply listen. Josh Healey, a writer from Oakland puts it this way:

“…In terms of social change, storytelling can get us beyond the talking points of this or that “issue” to connect with people’s deeper feelings and emotions. People don’t want to hear about “health care,” but they do want to hear about your aunt Stacy who had to sell her mom’s wedding ring to pay for her cancer treatments. Use your story to change THE story. Boom.”

In order to fully understand spoken word though, you must hear it for yourself. Enjoy some of my favorite clips of spoken word pieces, including one by Marina Keegan herself before her death.

Marina Keegan: Bygones

Buddy Wakefield: Hurling Crowbirds at Mocking Bars

Gary Turk: Look Up

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